Getting Serious--the separation of professional and personal

Something happened to me when I graduated from college.  Perhaps it reveals all of the deep, dark feelings I've had about myself and my inability to accomplish my personal goals through the years, but somehow I felt more... legitimate after my graduation.  Amazing how such a small--but expensive--piece of paper can change so many things.

So, I've separated my "professional" blog and my "personal" blog.  This web address will now contain blogs about my writing, and editing adventures.  For more personal posts--about my family, my faith, and my educational pursuits--you will have to go to


Rebecca Talley said…
I read one of your books and noticed Terry Montague's name. She's a friend of mine.
Terry was my mentor. I never would have published without her help, and certainly wouldn't be doing what I'm doing today. She's a great lady.
Rebecca Talley said…
I agree. She really helped me a lot. And she's a hoot to hang out with.

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